2017 June Pender Post
June is here, dare I hope the sunny days have arrived? It’s been a long rainy spring for sure.
That said we forge ahead at the Pender Island Recycling Depot and roll out our Summer Hours this month: Tuesday 8-3, Friday 10-3, Saturday 10-3, Sunday 1-4. These hours run June through September. As always avoid peak busy times, which tend to be the first and last hour of a recycling depot day. The depot can be traffic congested during these hours especially with the summer approaching, so if possible plan your trip to the depot accordingly to avoid the crowds.
Recently there have been a few minor fender benders at the recycling depot. We remind people to drive slowly and watch for people backing up, as well as people doing their recycling! We do our best to facilitate parking, but sometimes we are too busy to help. If you can’t find a parking spot drive through slowly and come through again, usually something will open up. Thank you for your patience during these busy times, and for those of us recycling let’s be aware of others and do our recycling as quickly as possible to open up parking spots.
We are stocked up at the recycling depot with Composters and Food Digesters. Please don’t hesitate to ask us for more information about either or both while up at the depot. Alternately, check out our new website penderislandrecycling.com, or for even more composting and food waste management ideas check out the Victoria Compost Education Centre’s website, compost.bc.ca.
Make sure you check out the expanded ReUse area at the recycling depot: Free Store, ReShop, ReCYCLE Bike Shop. Be on the look out for some exciting changes in the ReShop area in June; more details next month! The Dish Loan inventory can now be found inside the ReShop, the program gives you the opportunity to borrow plates, mugs, drinking glasses, cutlery and more. Call or ask depot staff for more details, and please try to book this service ahead of time to avoid disappointment due to unavailability.
The Bike Shop is in full swing for another season offering tune-ups, repairs and refurbished bike sales. Bike mechanic, Ken Marshall, is on site every Sunday from 1-4pm.
There are so many things to think about at this busy time of year, all the gardening and yard maintenance added to an increased workflow for a lot of us Pender residents. Layer in the niggling stresses picked up from world events that reach us through the news and social media, and it all adds up to a feeling that we can’t do anything to make the world better or change anything at all. Recycling is a little piece of positive, so keep your eyes open for opportunities in your life to grow what we do at home in our bigger world. Recycling and managing food waste properly at work or while traveling can still be accomplished. Every little bit helps.
Remember to check out our new website for detailed information about what you can recycle at the Pender Island Recycling Depot: penderislandrecycling.com.
Thanks for reading.
Jenn Kaila