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CRD Resources

A 3R encyclopedia (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). A resource for residents of the Capital Regional District, which includes Pender Island, for identifying how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Residents and businesses get the environmental story behind the items they use. The site also highlights reuse options and alternative products available within the CRD.

  • Recycling Council of BC: 1-800-667-4321

Options For Other Types Of Recyclables

Building Materials

Check with us at the recycling depot, post your giveaway on the Pender Online Market Facebook page, or see the CRD recycling directory at


Glass (other than Glass containers)

Broken windows, drinking glasses, and other non-packaging glass can be recycled for a fee at Ellice Recycling, 524 David Street, Victoria (250-386-4342). This glass is recycled as fill or used in making roadbase and concrete blocks.  

Fuel Tanks

Fuel tanks can be taken to the recycling area at the CRD's Hartland landfill in Victoria (


Household Hazardous Waste

See for a list of household hazardous waste accepted in the recycling area at the CRD's Hartland Landfill in Victoria. Entry is FREE to drop off these items.  


Printer Ink Cartridges

It this time, we are unable to accept any type of ink cartridges. Please take cartridges to Monk Office in Sidney, to the recycling drop off area at Staples (Recycling Programs), to London Drugs, or to the office supply outlet where you purchased them. Alternatively, purchase a printer with ink cartridges that can be refilled.

Propane Tanks

For a fee, propane tanks can be dropped off at Firehall No.1 on Pender Island.


Propane tanks can also be taken to the recycling area at the CRD's Hartland Landfill in Victoria ( The Hartland option is free, but there is a two tank limit.


PVC & Vinyl

PVC is not acceptable in any recycling program of which we are aware.


Toilets and toilet parts can be disposed of in the recycling area at the CRD's Hartland Landfill in Victoria.

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